Thursday, September 23, 2010

Horse Painting

Horses provide such a rich experience for people when it comes to learning, growth, and healing.  These pictures of Baby Doll and Penny were taken during a group with adolescents who are in recovery for alcohol and drug abuse.  The task was to identify a challenge or problem that would get in the way of sobriety. 

The team working with Baby Doll chose "Anxiety" as their challenge to sobriety.  Another team identified "Triggers" as "watching football" and "being outside in the sun".  Using washable paint, each team of teens was able to draw out their triggers, have a chance to talk about the challenges of recovery, and think about ways to cope with living life without using alcohol and drugs.

We hope to help others "Experience a Stable Relationship" :-)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New September Date for Women Whispering!

Due to a rain delay, Women Whispering with Horses will be offered Sunday, September 19th from 1-4pm (instead of September 12th).  Spaces are still available! 

Register by calling Red Dun Ranch at 713-433-9997 or email

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Women Whispering with Horses - Workshops 2010

Imagine spending the afternoon in the outdoors, among ancient oak trees, surrounded by beautiful horses and fresh air.
Imagine having your inner world of emotions, perceptions, and experience brought to light, seen and shared with another - an Equine.  Women Whispering with Horses allows you - whether you have a history with horses or none at all - a chance to connect with a horse in a way you may never have experienced.  Rather than riding a horse, you are on the horse's level - face to face, nose to nose, shoulder to shoulder.  Connecting with the horse in this way, you will have the opportunity to discover a deeper level of confidence, communication, and trust.

This 3-hour workshop will be offered on the following Sunday afternoons:
September 12th, 2-5pm
October 10th, 2-5pm
November 14th, 12-3pm
December 12th, 1-4pm

Cost is $75 pre-registered; $90 at the door.
Space is limited to 10 participants.

Location: Red Dun Ranch, 14034 Hooper Rd,
Houston, TX  77047
Register by calling: 713-433-9997